European Union

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    W. Germany and France wanted to boost economy and mantain peace
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    EEC (European Economic Comunity

    6 founders: Italy, W.Germany, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Belgium, France. Common policy cultural
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    Common Agricultural Policy
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    New participants

    Joined UK, ireland and Denmark
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    12 Country Members

    Joined Portugal and Spain, signed the European Act
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    Maastricht Teatry

    European Union is the new name, flag with 12 stars, proposed the common currency
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    Removed all barriers of the EU countries
  • Common Currency pt1

    Thrown in the market the new common currency, called ECU
  • Common Currency pt2

    Official using of the new common currency, Euro. More country used their currency and Montenegro and Kosovo two states out of EU use the Euro
  • 10 New Countries

    Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, more of these were before in the Sovietic Union
  • Treaty of Rome

    Create a new constitution for EU
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    Great Financial Crisis

    Shooted more the Greece because hidden the public debt, Ireland adopt strict
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    UK's population wanted to leave the EU with David Cameron's Referendum, it beginning in 1973 but was presented again in 2013. UK officially left the EU in 2020 but it collaborate with EU
  • Migrants

    Civil War in the country near the Europe caused more migrations in Lampedusa and Greece. The beginning of Brexit
  • Today

    Now there are 27 countries and the Eurozone are of 20 countries