birth of benelux
customs union favouring economic cooperation -
Period: to
steel produced increases 5 times
EUP-European union of payments
simplified monetary relations -
ECSC European Coal and Steel Community
german coal, french steel -
Period: to
eec exports grow by 52%
memorandum by benelux
study of possibility of greater economic union -
Treaty of Rome
Birth of: EEC European Economic Community, (monnet)
EURATOM for nuclear power,
EIB european investment bank
ESF european social found -
EFTA european free trade association
ECM european common market
customs barriers completely abolished, common tariff for outside -
european monetary system
uk enters in eec
after death cdg -
first brexit referendum
Schengen agreement
Single European Act
revised Rome, stronger institutions -
Schengen convention
Maastricht treaty
EU- european union, CFSP, collaboration in justice and home affairs
+ citizenship, EMU -
constitutional treaty
rejected by france netherlands -
lisbon treaty