in euruope germany forces 5000 jewish people in paris to labor camp -
dicsory of the suture of dna
charistics from parents to children of a chemical and they dicuverd it in 1953 -
`first hygren bomb
follwing test in the bomb and us used nuclear powered bomb -
Monarchy restored with King Charles II
(1960) Olympic Games held in Rome
The 1960 Olympics were the first to be fully covered by television. Taped footage of the Games was flown to New York City at the end of each day and broadcast on the CBS television network in the United States. -
British rule of Cyprus ended; became Greek state
Cyprus gains independence after Greek and Turkish communities reach agreement on a constitution. Treaty of Guarantee gives Britain, Greece and Turkey the right to intervene. Britain retains sovereignty over two military bases. -
Policy of "Russification" pushed through
Policy of "Russification" pushed through
Coup staged against ruling Democratic Party
“There could have been a coup against Erdogan; instead, what he did was to join forces with coup supporters and carry out his own coup against the government. -
gas and oil deposits discovered in North Sea
until 1960 all uks oil supply was imported. -
Finland became associate member of European Free Trade Association (EFTA); Soviet Union intervened in Finnish presidential election - "the note crisis
Chancellor Bruo Kreisky forme government,ominated political scene for more than a decade
a bomb explodes in a disothequgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggge in a discotheque in wet berlin.