European Theatre Battles

By 877928
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    Soviet Russian Invasion of Finland

    This invasion was caused by Finland disagreeing to redraw the border near St. Petersburg. Russia ended up winning the war but lost anywhere from 50,000 up to 160,000 men and Finland lost about 50,000. This was due to the deadly Finish snipers who took out a ton of Russian troops. During the Winter War a famous sniper known as the White Death (Simo Hayha) racked up at least 505 confirmed kills.
  • The Winter War

    The Winter War
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    Battle of Britain

    This is when Hitler sent the Luftwaffe to bomb Britain but thanks to the support of the RAF not letting the Germans fully destroy London.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
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    Operation Barbarossa

    This was the German invasion into Soviet Russia. This Operation ended poorly for Germany due to harsh winters and relentless Russians.
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    Operation Torch

    This the Allied invasion to take back North Africa from Vichy France.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
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    Operation Overlord

    Was an Invasion in Northern France to retake France and to invade Germany. This was successful and would later lead to the Germany surrender.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
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    Battle of The Bulge

    This was a surprise attack launched by Germany against allied troops in Belgium and Luxembourg. The Germans were winning but thanks to the Americans holding key points at roads and allied reinforcements this was a key Allied win,
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
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    The Yalta Conference

    This was make sure this couldn’t happen again with arresting Nazi officials, getting rid of the German military, and to set up the U.N and to gain Soviet support against Japan.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference