Battle of Britain
The battle of Britain was an Air Force battle between Germany and Britain. Hitler was planning operation sea lion, the invasion of Britain. He instructed his Air Force to gain air superiority. They thought from June to October. Although Britain ended up winning and stopping the invention, Hitler still began the blitz, a terror bombing campaign targeting cities and civilians. In doing so, Hitler hoped to crush Britain’s will to fight, the attacks ended in June 1941 -
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler surprise attacked the Soviet union hoping to capture land and oil fields. He broke the German Soviet nonaggression pact by doing this in June 1941. The Soviet union was not ready so the blitzkrieg worked. The German military conquered huge swaths of land and had thousands of prisoners. After recovering from a surprise attack Stalin moved his factories east of the urals to be out of the range of luftwaffe. The German army split into 3 pieces to take over 3 different places in the country. -
Operation torch
The Army Air Force sent thousands of bombers to England in preparation for the massive strategic bombing campaign against Germany. The plan was to bomb Germany on the schedule. America would bomb German factories, yards and oil fields during the day. The Britain Royal Air Force would bomb German cities at night. Some planes took hits from advanced German weapon technology. -
Operation overload
Operation overload took place on June 6, 1944 in a pursuit to liberate France, the allied land forces came from the United States, Britain and Canada. In the weeks that came with battling other countries aided them. They got the upper hand when they captured the port at Cherbourg on June 26 and the city of Caen on July 21. Over the weeks they were able capture three different parts of France, eventually liberating it from Nazi Germany as a whole. -
Yalta conference
The yalta conference’s main purpose was to discuss Europe’s post war reorganization, it took place on February 14, 1945. The people at the conference were the big three, Roosevelt(USA) Winston Churchill(UK) and Joseph Stalin(SU). The conference was a crucial turning point in the Cold War.