European Revolution of 1848

  • The Congress of Vienna Unites

    The Congress of Vienna united the Austrian Netherlands and the kingdom of Holland under the Dutch king.
  • Greek revolted against Ottoman Rule

    The greeks revolted seeking to end Ottoman rule.
  • Louis XVIII's death

    Louis XVIII dies and Louis X takes rule
  • Serbia's agreement

    The 1830 agreement gave Serbs complete control over their own international affairs.
  • Greece gained independence

    Greece became independent
  • Charles X Rule

    Charles X suspended the legislature, limited the right to vote, and restricted the press.
  • Nationalist stated an uprising

    Nationalist in Poland stated an uprising.
  • Polish students, army workers, and landowners rose in revolt

    Polish students, army workers, and landowners rose in revolt. The rebels failed to gain widespread support and, however, and were defeated by Russian forces.
  • Belgium became a liberal state

    Belgium became a liberal state with a liberal constitution.
  • The government took steps to silence critics and prevent private meetings

    The government took steps to silence critics and prevent private meetings, this sent angry crowds into the streets of Paris
  • The National Assembly was dominated

    At the end of 1848, the National Assembly issued a constitution for the Second Republic, which created a strong president and a one-house legislature.
  • The Revolution in France triggers revolutions in Europe

    It was a time of when people had much hope and called it the "spring time of the peoples"
  • European countries recognized Serbia's independence

    European countries recognized Siberia's independence