european history from 1980-2017

  • 1981 BCE

    Greece joins EC

    Greece joins EC despite being a relatively poor country (in 2015 is discovered also that were falsified certain economic data to be able to be admitted), because they saw in him a great economic potential due to its geographical position.
  • In Poland, the workers of the shipyards of Gdansk, led by Lech Walesa

    In Poland, the workers of the shipyards of Gdansk, led by Lech Walesa, declare strikes during the summer of 1980 to obtain more rights
  • Greece joins EC

    Greece joins EC despite being a relatively poor country (in 2015 is discovered also that were falsified certain economic data to be able to be admitted), because they saw in him a great economic potential due to its geographical position.
  • The United Kingdom takes the Presidency of the Council of the European communities.

  • Belize becomes the 62nd State ACP (countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific) to adhere to the second Convention of Lomé.

  • Spain becomes the 16th Member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • The United Kingdom takes the Presidency of the Council of the European communities.

  • Luxembourg Government intended to nullify the resolution of Parliament on their workplace.

    The European Court of Justice rejects the demand presented by the Luxembourg Government intended to nullify the resolution of Parliament on their workplace.
  • The European Council meets in Brussels, Belgium.

    The European Council meets in Brussels, Belgium. Agreements in a number of areas, are accomplished, although most do not reach the final consensus due to disagreements on the calculation and the amount of the compensation which is to be granted to the United Kingdom to reduce its contribution to the Community budget.
  • Italy assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European communities. The first European passports are issued in the majority of Member States.

  • The Court rules on the appeal by the European Parliament against the European Council on the common transport policy by default.

  • Parliament, the Council and the Commission sign a joint declaration against racism and xenophobia.

  • The Bank of Spain signs an agreement to enter the European monetary system.

  • The European Council adopts a decision which establishes a Court of first instance of the European communities.

  • The economy and Finance Ministers adopted certain measures to strengthen the European monetary system (EMS).

  • Greece assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European communities.

    Greece assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European communities. It enters into force the interinstitutional agreement on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure adopted in June.
  • End of the revision to the middle period of the Uruguay Round and adoption of new frameworks of negotiation.

  • The Delors Committee presents the report on the economic and Monetary Union. The Parliament adopts the Declaration of fundamental rights and freedoms.

  • Berlin Wall Fall

    Berlin Wall Fall
    The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Democratic Republic, the Wall completely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until government officials opened it in November 1989.Its demolition officially began on 13 June 1990 and was completed in 1992.
    more info:
  • Aldo Angioi is elected President of the Court of Auditors.

  • The European Community and Argentina sign an agreement on trade and economic cooperation framework.

  • Luxembourg assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European communities.

  • The European Council held an informal meeting in Luxembourg to discuss the Middle East problems resulting from the Gulf crisis

    The European Council held an informal meeting in Luxembourg to discuss the Middle East problems resulting from the Gulf crisis. Decides on urgent humanitarian aid that must be given to the refugee Kurds and others.
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
    this was signed in 1992 and only was effective until 1993. It created the three pillars structure of the European Union and led to the creation of the single European currency, the euro.
    more info:
  • Signature in Maastricht of the Treaty of the European Union by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and economy of States members.

  • Incorporation of the shield to the mechanism of the European monetary system exchange rate.

  • Copenhagen criteria

    Copenhagen criteria are the rules that define whether a country is eligible to join the European Union. The criteria require that a state has the institutions to preserve democratic governance and human rights, has a functioning market economy, and accepts the obligations and intent of the EU.
    These membership criteria were laid down at the June 1993 European Council in Copenhagen, Denmark, from which they take their name.
  • Amsterdam Treaty

    Amsterdam Treaty
    it only was effective until 1 May 1999. It made substantial changes to the Treaty of Maastricht, which had been signed in 1992.
    Under the Treaty of Amsterdam, member states agreed to devolve certain powers from national governments to the European Parliament across diverse areas, including legislating on immigration, adopting civil and criminal laws, and enacting foreign and security policy , as well as implementing institutional changes for expansion as new member nations join the EU.
  • Fraud in the Commission results in resignation

    The Santer Commission was the European Commission in office between 1995 and 15 March 1999. The administration was led by Jacques Santer (former Prime Minister of Luxembourg).
    The body had 20 members and oversaw the introduction of the euro. It was cut short when the Commission became the first to resign en masse due to allegations of corruption. Some members continued under Manuel Marín until the Prodi Commission was appointed.
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty of Nice
    it only was effective until 2003.The Treaty of Nice reformed the institutional structure of the European Union to withstand eastward expansion, a task which was originally intended to have been done by the Amsterdam Treaty, but failed to be addressed at the time.
  • The euro replaces twelve national currencies

    The euro replaces twelve national currencies
  • Accession of ten countries to the european union

     Accession of ten countries to the european union
    The simultaneous accessions concerned the following countries Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Seven of these were part of the former Eastern Bloc (of which three were from the former Soviet Union and four were and still are members of the Central European alliance Visegrád Group), one of the former Yugoslavia , and the remaining two were Mediterranean islands and former British colonies.
  • Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe

    Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was an unratified international treaty intended to create a consolidated constitution for the European Union . It would have replaced the existing European Union treaties with a single text, given legal force to the Charter of Fundamental Rights, and expanded Qualified Majority Voting into policy areas which had previously been decided by unanimity among member states.
  • France and the Netherlands reject the Constitution

    After the French and Dutch referendum results European leaders decided to hold a "period of reflection" on what to do next. As part of this reflection period a "group of wise men" was set up to consider possible courses of action. This group of high-level European politicians – former prime ministers, ministers and members of the European Commission – first met on 30 September 2006 in Rome.
    note: you can find more information in the link of the constitution of 2004
  • War between Argentina and the United Kingdom end

    25 years after the start of the Las Malvinas War between Argentina and the United Kingdom. The conflict lasted until June 14, 1982, when the Argentine military junta admitted defeat. More than 600 Argentina soldiers died and slightly less than 300 British.
  • Treaty of Lisbon

    The Treaty of Lisbon is an international agreement which amends the two treaties which form the constitutional basis of the European Union (EU). The Treaty of Lisbon was signed by the EU member states on 13 December 2007, and entered into force on 1 December 2009.It also amends the attached treaty protocols as well as the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).
  • adopt the euro

    The Greek Cypriot side of the island of Cyprus, the British bases of Acrotiri and Dhekelia established on that island and Malta adopt the euro as official currency.
  • Detention of former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadžić

    Detention of former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadžić in Belgrade (Serbia), who has been a fugitive for 12 years and has been charged by the international justice system with crimes against humanity.
  • the first lesbian who runs the government of a country in the world.

    Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir is appointed prime minister of Iceland, head of an interim government coalition between the AS and the IVM, being the first lesbian who runs the government of a country in the world.
  • The nuclear submarines Le Triomphant (France) and HMS Vanguard (UK) collide deep in the North Atlantic

    The nuclear submarines Le Triomphant (France) and HMS Vanguard (UK) collide deep in the North Atlantic, although at low speed, without causing injuries or major damages. The incident would have occurred because of the difficulty of detecting each other, given its silent technology.
  • volcanic ash

    A cloud of volcanic ash originating in Iceland forces almost all air traffic to be suspended in much of Europe for several days.
  • The Spanish government lowers the maximum speed to drive by highways at 110 km / hour, in a package of measures to save oil

  • Russia and China veto a UN Security Council resolution aimed at ending the bloodshed in Syria

  • Russia and China veto a UN Security Council resolution aimed at ending the bloodshed in Syria

  • A suicide attack on the US embassy in Ankara (Turkey) leaves three dead.

  • he EU countries reach an agreement on the multiannual financial framework

    During a meeting of the European Council, the EU countries reach an agreement on the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 setting the limits and the principles of the annual EU budget for those years.
  • the EU countries reach an agreement on the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020

    During a meeting of the European Council, the EU countries reach an agreement on the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 setting the limits and the principles of the annual EU budget for those years.
  • the groundwork for normalization of relations between the two neighboring countries.

    Following talks led by Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative, Serbia and Kosovo sign a pact in Brussels that lays the groundwork for normalization of relations between the two neighboring countries.
  • uy unlimited public debt of countries with problems

    The Federal Constitutional Court in favor of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the legality of the announcement made by the European Central Bank in the summer of 2012 that it would buy unlimited public debt of countries with problems, such as Spain or Italy - in order to do whatever it takes (whatever it takes) to save the euro.
  • Malaysia Airlines

    MALAYSIA / UKRAINE - A missile knocked down a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, with 298 people aboard as it was flying over an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Kiev and the rebels accuse each other of knocking down this aircraft, which went from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
  • The terrorist attack in Paris, France

  • terrorist attack in turkish armys

    A terrorist attack on the Turkish Army leaves 28 dead and 16 wounded in the capital, Ankara.27 Kurdistan Freedom Falcons, a Kurdish terrorist group split from the PKK, claimed the attack.
  • United Kingdom European Union membership referendum

    The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, also known as the EU referendum and the Brexit referendum, took place in the United Kingdom (UK) and Gibraltar to gauge support for the country either remaining a member of, or leaving, the European Union (EU). The referendum resulted in 51.9% of voters voting in favour of leaving the EU.
    more info:,_2016
  • Presidential elections in France