Jun 3, 1450
Printing Press developed
Apr 25, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
Jun 3, 1453
Turks conquer Constatinople
Jun 3, 1455
The Wars of the Roses
Jun 3, 1455
Civil wars between English Nobles
Jun 3, 1455
Johann Guttenburg completes first bible
Jun 3, 1462
Ivan the Great rules Russia as first czar
Jun 3, 1481
Renewal of the Spanish Inquisition
Apr 25, 1492
Columbus lands in the New World
Apr 25, 1492
Jews and Moslems expelled from Spain
Apr 25, 1492
Vasco Da game lands in Goa
Jun 3, 1492
Moors conquered in Spain by troops of Ferdinand and Isabella
Apr 25, 1500
Birth of Charles V of Haspsburg
Jun 3, 1500
Moghul Empire in India grows to include entire Indian peninsula
Apr 25, 1509
Henry VII ascend the throne of England
Apr 25, 1517
Martin luther nails his 95 thesis on the door of the cathedral in Wittenburg
Jun 3, 1519
Magellan sail around the world and proves the Earth is round
Apr 25, 1520
Cortez conquers Mexico
Apr 25, 1520
First circumnavigation of the world
Apr 25, 1529
Turks besiege Vienna
Apr 25, 1534
Luther publishes his German Bible
Apr 25, 1536
John Clavin publishes his Institute of Christian Religion
Apr 25, 1540
Pope Paul III authorizes the Society of Jesus
Apr 25, 1541
Calvin becomes the reformer of Geneva
Apr 25, 1543
Nicholas Copernicus published DE Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
Apr 25, 1543
Andres Vesalius publishes De Humani Corporis Fabrica
Apr 25, 1545
Beginning of the Council of Trent
Apr 25, 1551
Foundation of the University of Lima
Apr 25, 1553
Michael Servetus burned at the stake by Calvin in Geneva
Apr 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Apr 25, 1558
Elizabeth I of Tudor becomes Queen of England
Apr 25, 1562
Beginning of wars of religion in France
Apr 25, 1564
Deathe of Calvin
Apr 25, 1564
Death of Michaelangelo
Apr 25, 1564
Birth of Galileo
Apr 25, 1564
Birth of Shakespeare
blah -
Apr 25, 1568
Beginning of the revolt of the northern Low countries against Phillip II (King of Spain)
Apr 28, 1571
Birth of Johannes Kepler (d.1630).
Apr 28, 1571
Defeat of the Turks in the naval battle of Lepanto.
Apr 28, 1572
French Protestants (Huguenots) were killed on the order.
Apr 28, 1575
Foundation of the University of Leyden.
Apr 28, 1582
Pope Gregory XIII institutes the Gregorian Calendar.
Spanish Armada defeated by the weather and the English fleet.
Henry of Navarre (1553-1610) becomes the first Bourbon king, Henry IV, of France
Johannes Kepler
Publishes Cosmographic Mystery. -
Edict of Nantes
Under which Protestants in France are allowed to practice their religion in peace. -
Elizabeth I dies
Succesor james I of the House of Stuart took over up until 1625 -
New star (supernova) is described
Francis Bacon publishes 'Divine and Human' and 'Proficiencie and Advancement of Learning'
Foundation of Virginia by the English
Foundation of quebec by the french
Kepler publishes 'The New Astronomy', in which he introduces elliptical astronomy
Henry IV of France is murdered
King James bible is published
Foundation of New York by the Dutch
Beginning of the Thirty Years War, which devistated much of the Germen Region
Francis Bacon publishes his 'New Organum'
Beginning of the reign of Charles I of England
Foundadtion of Harvard College
Rene Descartes publishes his 'Discourse on Method'
Death of Galileo
Birth of Isaac Newton
Beginning of Egland Civil War
Descartes publishes 'Principles of Philosophy'
Peace of Westphalia, end of Thirty Years War
Charles l of England is beheaded by Cromwell and the "Rump" Parliament
Thomas Hobbes publishes the 'Leviathon'
Restoration of the English Monarchy
Foundation of the Royal Society of London
Charles ll crowned king of England
Louis the XlV begins to govern France
Repeal of Edict of Nantes
James ll ascends the throne of England
Isaac Newton publishes his 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'
Glorious Revolution in England
Beginning of the rule of William and Mary in England
Founding of the Bank of England
Act of succesion established in England
Establishment of St. Petersburg
Isaac Newton publishes his Opticks
The English drive the french out of most of the Spanish Netherlands
Scottland and England becomes the United Kingdom of Great Britain
MOre Europeans are learning to read and getting involved with reason and science
Fredirick ll born
Peace of Utrecht
Maria Theresa born
Vitus Bering explores the Bering Straits
Frederick the Great begins rule Prussia
War of Austrian Succession
Involved most of European powers over the question of Maria Theresa's succession -
Diderot's Encyclopedia Published
Seven Years' War, French and Indian War
Global conflict where England declares war on France -
Catherine the Great begins rule Russia
Steam engine is invented
The first Partition of Poland takes place
Russia, Prussia and Austria help themselves to Polish territory. -
The American colonies rebel
Industrial Revolution begins to transform life in Britain
French workers and tradesmen storm Bastille
"The Great Fear" Sweeps countryside
The French Revolution begins
France is seized by rain of terror
France King Louis XVI is executed.
Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power in France
Napoleon institutes reforms
Napoleonic Wars
The French defeat the Austrians at Austerlitz but are defeated by the British at Trafalgar
The British take over the Dutch colony of South Africa
The French crush the Prussians at the Battle of Jena
Britain abolishes the slave trade
Napoleon's invasion of Russia ends in disaster
Congress of Vienna meets
Congress of Vienna redraws Europe
Napoleon escapes from exile and becomes emperor of France again but he is defeated at Waterloo
Greeks independance
Decembrist Revolts in Russia fails
Worlds first rail line in England
Parliment in England declares Catholic emancipation
Industrial Revolution spreads to France, Germany and the USA
Englishh Parliament enacts the Great Reform Bill
The Opium War is fought between Britain and China begun
China leases Hong Kong to Britain. -
Britain annexes, New Zealand
Revolutions break out across Europe
Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte is dictator of France
Potato famine strikes Ireland
The Crimean War begun
Britain, France and Turkey versus Russia. -
Italy is united
Russian serfs are made free
The Franco-Prussian War is fought
Napoleon III falls from power and France surrenders.
Germany becomes a united country. -
Alexander II is assasinated by radical populists
France and Russia form an alliance
Dreyfus Affair in France
Judenstaat published
RSPD is formed
The Triple Entente emerges
War between Russia and Japan
A revolution in takes place in Russia
Norway becomes independent from Sweden
Young Turks Revolt
The First World War begins
Germans engage in submarine warfare
US enters War
Tanks are used for the first time by the British
In Russia Rasputin is murdered
Communists seize power in Russia
Germany surrenders
Truce ends WW1
Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles
which causes much resentment in that country -
Mussolini seizes power in Italy
Beer-Hall Putsch occurs
World Great Depression
Mussolini attacks Ethiopia
Hitler war against German Jews
Facists take over Spain
Hitler occupies demilitarized Rhineland
Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland. -
Germany Annexes Austria
German troops march into Austria to annex them for the Third Reich -
Munich Conference
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. -
Occupation of Sudetenland
As a result of the Munich Agreement, German troops complete their occupation of the Sudetenland. -
WWII Begins
Germany invades Poland
German forces have invaded Poland and its planes have bombed Polish cities, including the capital, Warsaw. -
Germany defeats France
Germany invades U.S.S.R.
Axis forces surrender in North Africa
soviets win BAttle of Stalingrad
Allied invasion of France
France establish the fourth Republic
The Labour Party wins in Britain
Cold War starts in Germany
Germany Surrenders
Japan Surrenders
Yalta Conference
Communist threat sparks crisi over Greece and Turkey
Soviet Union acquires atomic weapons
The two Germanies are established
West Germany remilitarizes
Prague Spring Occurs
Common Market Expands (Europe Community)
Johhn Paul II becomes Pope
Margaret Thatcher becomes prime Minister of Britian
Organization of Green Party in Germany
Emergance of Solidarity in Poland
Gorbachev comes to power in the Soviet Union
Revolution in Eastern Europe
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Maastricht Treaty creates the EU
Unification of Germany
War in Kosovo
Expansion of European Union