
By Karla9
  • Period: to


  • Germany and Poland

    Germany and Poland
    : Germany invades Poland from the west. The beginning of Word war ll
  • Declaration

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
  • Polish surrenders
    The Polish troops were taken prisoners by German invaders
  • Germans attack

    Germans bomb Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland.
  • Paris is attacked

    Paris is attacked
    Germans attack Paris killing 254 people, most of them civilians.
  • Airfield

    German bombing offensive against airfields and factories in England.
  • German bombing

    German bombing offensive against airfields and factories in England.
  • German air raids

    German air raids
    Massive German air raids on London, Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester.
  • Repulsed

    German attack on Tobruk is repulsed
  • Soviet Union is attacked

    Soviet Union is attacked
    Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins.
  • British air raid

    British air raid
    The first thousand bomber in the British air raid against Cologne.
  • Battle in the sea

    Battle in the sea
    Battle of the Barents Sea between German and British ships.
  • Italy declares war

    Italy declares war
    Italy declares war on Germany; Second American air raid on Schweinfurt.
  • Russians recapture

    Russians recapture
    Russians recapture Kiev in the Ukraine.
  • Attack on Cassino

    Attack on Cassino
  • Finland and Soviet union

    Finland and Soviet union
    Finland and the Soviet Union agree to a cease-fire.
  • French troops

    French troops
    French troops drive through the 'Belfort Gap' to reach the Rhine.
  • Capture Strasbourg

    Capture Strasbourg
    French capture Strasbourg
  • Ruhr surrender

    German forces in the Ruhr surrender.
  • Mussolini is captured

    Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans; Allies take Venice.