
By kionad2
  • Invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland was a significant event that marked the beginning of WWll. Adolf Hitler led a surprise attack on Poland. The invasion led to subsequent declarations of war by France and the United Kingdom against Germany. This led to widespread devastation and suffering for the Polish people.
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    The Fall of France to Nazi Forces

    German forces launched a rapid and successful invasion of France. The fall of France led to the occupation of the country by Nazi Germany and the establishment of the Vichy government in the southern part of France
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    Rescue at Dunkirk

    Allied forces were trapped and surrounded by German troops on the beaches of Dunkirk, France. Civil boats / military vessels, evacuated over 300,000 allied soldiers to safety across the English Channel.
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    London Blitz

    The London Blitz was a series of devastating bombing attacks carried out b the German Luftwaffe on London and other cities in the United Kingdom during WWll. The aim was to weaken British morale and infrastructure.
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    Victory at Stalingrad

    The victory at Stalingrad was a turning point in WWll. It marked significant defeat for the German forces. The soviet Union successfully defended the city of Stalingrad against the German Army, ultimately leading to their surrender.
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    Italian Campaign

    The Italian campaign was when Germany Forces in Italy surrendered. It was a long challenging campaign that spanned almost two years.
  • D-Day (Invasion of Normandy)

    The invasion of Normandy was a pivotal military operation during WWll. Allied forces launched a massive amphibious assault on the beaches of Normandy France. This operation marked the beginning of the end for Nazis Germany control in Western Europe.
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    Operation Market Garden

    Operation Market Garden was a major allied military operation during WWll. The operation was an ambitious plan to capture a series of bridges in the Netherlands and secure a route into Germany.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Germany forces launched a surprise offensive against the Allies, creating a bulge in the Allies front line. However the Allies were able to regroup and push back the German Forces, ultimately achieving victory.
  • Victory in Europe Day

    This day is significant because it commemorates the formal acceptance by the Allies of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender. Marking the end of WWll in Europe. It a joy and a relief for people all around the world.