
Europe 1848-1871

By jteare
  • Charles X becomes king of France

    Charles X becomes king of France
    Charles X, the borther of Louis XVlll, took throne after Louis died. Charles was a strong supporter of Absolutism.
  • July Revolution in France

    July Revolution in France
    In July of 1830, Charles X suspended the legislature, limited suffrage, and censored the press. As a reaction from the changes, the citizens of Paris threw a fit by barricading the streets and fighing the government police. Once the rebellion took full control of Paris, Charles X abdicated to Italy. Charles X's cousin, Louis Phillipe, succeds him and inherits the throne.
  • Polish Nationalists Try to Win Independence

    Polish Nationalists Try to Win Independence
    Poland wanted to become independent, just like the Belgians wanted to, but they FAILED. The Polish were unhappy with Russia, Prussia, and Austria taking their land after the Congress of Vienna. Polish students, military officers, and landowners protested against the three national governments. However, they didn't gain enough support and the Russians crushed the revolt.
  • Belgium Declares Independence from the Netherlands

    Belgium Declares Independence from the Netherlands
    After a year-long revolution, Belgium won independence from the Dutch. The Dutch king hoped to receive help from Britain and France, but they were on Belgium's side. Belgian students and professors inspired by the 1830 Paris revolt, begin to rebel against Dutch rule. Finally in 1831, the Belgians declare independence with a liberal government and constitution.
  • "February Days" Revolt occurs in France

    "February Days" Revolt occurs in France
    In February of 1848, the citizens were unhappy with the living conditions of industrialization and the economic crisis the nation was in. The liberals, at the time of Louis Phillipe, stated his government had become corrupted. The recession had many workers' jobs removed and food prices inflated. As a result, people rose in anger and fought in the streets of the French capital. Like his cousin did in 1830, Louis Phillipe escaped France. The liberals formed the Second Republic.
  • "June Days" Working Class Revolts!

    "June Days" Working Class Revolts!
    After the upper and middle class won control over the government, that part of the government decided to erase the National Workshop as they viewed it as a waste of money. many citizens became unemployed and this infuriated the lower class to the point of chaos in the streets. The liberal and socialists leading the revolt caused the middle class to be terrified of them and the workers to hate the borgeouisie.
  • Napoleon is elected president of the Second Republic

    Napoleon is elected president of the Second Republic
    After the liberals had taken control of the Second Republic and June Days ended, the people elect Napoleon, the nephew of the original Napoleon, as president of France.
  • President Napoleon of the Second Republic becomes Emperor Napoleon lll

    President Napoleon of the Second Republic becomes Emperor Napoleon lll
    Once he is elected, Napoleon takes advantage and renaming himself Napoleon lll as emperor of the Second Empire. 90 percent of his voters for an empire supported his ballot. The citizens thought that a monarch would be more stable than a republic.