Period: to
Age of Enlightenment
A movement that was based with the belief that human reason could discover the laws that governed social behavior and that those laws were just as scientific as laws that governed physics. Many influences impacted the Enlightenment such as the Scientific Revolution and the Reformation. These new scientific methods and discoveries provided the clearest model for changing European society. -
Period: to
Seven Years War
The first global military war (conflict) occured that involved many powers at that time and affected countries around the world. Two main reasons for the war: fierce competition against France & Britian for more colonies and Prussia and Austria fighting each other to get control of Germany-gain supreme rule in Europe. -
Period: to
Technological Revolution
A period where new inventions such as: water frame, mule, spinning jenny, coke-coal with no impurities, steam engine, locomotive, railroads, electric telegraph, etc. completely transformed the way people lived. It was a time where economic and social development improved drastically. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
A time where transfomation in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had rapid changes in society and commerce. Populations increased in major cities, and people were leading lives healthier, longer, and more productive than before. Yet, it made many parts of the world uneven. Some grew rich, while others had little to no industry that made them an easy target to be taken advantage. -
A time where the use of work by hand would be replaced with machines. For example, the cotton industry. Cotton was woven in India, China, and the Middle East, yet it all changed in 1764 with a new invention called the Spinning Jenny. The Spinning Jenny set off new inventions based on this one machine (water frame, mule, etc.) and made items faster and more efficient.
Mechanization increased productivity with the manufacturer and lowered prices for the consumer. -
Population increase
One of the main causes of the Industrial Revolution was the increase of populations in big cities. Fastest growth took place in the United Kingdom-England and Wales, yet increased throughout Europe. The rise in people also rose the resistance to diseases (thanks to crops from Americas). Better food supplies and job opportunities led to people marrying earlier and having more children. -
Since the population growth, trade has increased. Most of the trade happened within local areas, however, new roads and other means of transportation improved trade drastically, making produce go faster and more efficient in longer distances. Foreign goods were big in demand such as silk and cotton from Asia and sugar from the Caribbean. -
Period: to
French Revolution
A period of social and political upheaval in France that had great impacts on Europe as a whole. The absolute monachy collapsed in three years, making the French society have big transformations. Classes in society were put out and the ideals of Enlightenment were seen. -
Storming of the Bastille
The Bastille was a fortress and prison in Paris that was a symbol of the king's absolute power. It was stormed into on July 14, 1789 by angry people who heard rumours of bandits, outlaws, and aristrocrats who were starving people. They search for gun powder and prisoners that had been taken by King Louis XVI. This marked the beginning of the French Revolution. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Period of violence after onset of the French Revolution. It was a conflict between two political factions-Girondins and Jacobins and was marked with mass exeuctions of "enemies of the revolution," through the use of the guillotine. The revolution was targeted mostly on French nobility which had lost its inherited privileges. Many historians debate its causes, but most agree on: inheret issues with revolutionary ideology and/or need of weapon for politcal repression. -
Period: to
Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonparte rises during this time, his ideas change the face of Europe throughout the 19th Century. Through the military, he declares himself emperor of France. Or the first consul for life. He establishes a series as codes, a centralized government, and practiced reasonable taxation to help the economy. Tariffs placed on imported goods help spur the growth of textile industry in France. All these changes helped establish France into a major political player in Europe. -
Politcal ideologies
Socialism, nationalism, and liberalism-three different ideologies that had different views of society. They changed the way society would be run. All influential on different levels. -
Period: to
Victorian Era
In English speaking countries, this era refers to a period where rules of behavior and the relations between men and women. Men and women at this time were thought to belong in "separate spheres"-men spent time at work and women running the household. Women, were not considered equal beings and were given unequal opportunities -
Period: to
Powers of Europe
During this time, many discovered that the tiniest incidents involving foreigners could stir up popular indignation against neighbouring countries. Rivalries(all over Europe) over territories, ideological differences, trade disagreements, etc. help contribute to international tension.