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European Union history

  • End WW2

    End WW2
  • World is divided in two powers

    World is divided in two powers
    World is divided in United States (US) (capitalism) and Union of Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR)
    (comunism) Germany divided FRC/CDR
  • Cold war beggins

    Cold war beggins
  • France reconciliates with the Federal German Republic

    France reconciliates with the Federal German Republic
  • 6 countries form the European Coal and Steel Comunity

    6 countries form the European Coal and Steel Comunity
    Italy, Luxemburg, Beligium, Netherlands, France and Federal German Republic
  • Theatry of Rome

    Theatry of Rome
    Establishes the European Economic Comunity, free movements of workers, Community Agriculture of Policy and European Atomic community.
  • Refusal of UK solicity of membership

    Refusal of UK solicity of membership
  • Merger Treaty council aprove

    Merger Treaty council aprove
    Now is only one comision
  • UK and Denmark join the community

    UK and Denmark join the community
  • Greece join the community

    Greece join the community
  • Germany is reunified

    Germany is reunified
  • Spain and Portugal join the community

    Spain and Portugal join the community
  • Maastricht treaty

    Maastricht treaty
    European Union is created
  • Sweden, Finland and Austria join the union

    Sweden, Finland and Austria join the union
  • Schengen Agreement

    Schengen Agreement
    The frontires between european countries are weakers and the frontires between other countries are reinforced.
  • Treaty of amsterdam

    Treaty of amsterdam
  • European central bank

    European central bank
  • The euro is launched (treaty of Nice)

    The euro is launched (treaty of Nice)
    The new money is launched in all EU
  • 10 countries join the union

    10 countries join the union
    Chequia, Chipre, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Hungría, Malta, Polonia, Eslovenia and Eslovaquia
  • Romania and Bulgaria join the union. (Treaty of Lisbon)

    Romania and Bulgaria join the union. (Treaty of Lisbon)
  • Constitutional crisis

    Constitutional crisis
  • PIGS

  • Croatia join the union

    Croatia join the union
  • UK exits the EU(brexit)

    UK exits the EU(brexit)