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Timeline European Unión

  • End of Word asar II

    End of Word asar II
  • start of the cold war

    start of the cold war
  • France proposes a reconciliation union to Germany

    France proposes a reconciliation union to Germany
  • 6 countries joined by making a European Cool and Steel deal

    6 countries joined by making a European Cool and Steel deal
  • treaty with Rome

    treaty with Rome
  • The treaty enter in proportion

    The treaty enter in proportion
  • Economic growth

    Economic growth
  • Three European institution (ECSC, EEC, Euratom)

    Three European institution (ECSC, EEC, Euratom)
  • Signature of the "Merger Treaty"

    Signature of the "Merger Treaty"
  • Signature of the "Merger Treaty"

    Signature of the "Merger Treaty"
  • 1965 treaty enters into force

    1965 treaty enters into force
  • The Prague Spring

    The Prague Spring
  • First EU enlargement

    First EU enlargement
  • Creation of European Council

    Creation of European Council
  • First European Elections

    First European Elections
  • Greece joins the European Communities

    Greece joins the European Communities
  • Spain and Portugal join the European Communities

    Spain and Portugal join the European Communities
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU

    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
  • European Central Bank

    European Central Bank
  • Euro officially

    Euro officially
  • EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights

    EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • Constitutional Treaty

    Constitutional Treaty
  • Bulgaria and Romania join the EU

    Bulgaria and Romania join the EU
  • Serbia applies to join the EU

    Serbia applies to join the EU
  • Croatia joins the EU

    Croatia joins the EU
  • Lithuania adopts the euro

    Lithuania adopts the euro
  • Europa building

    Europa building
    Europa building
  • Brexit - UK leaves the EU

    Brexit - UK leaves the EU
  • Brexit: new beginnings for the UK and the EU

    Brexit: new beginnings for the UK and the EU