Gold is discovered at Buninyong and at Golden Point, Ballarat. The Colony ofVictoria has insufficient funds and no organization to cope with a goldrush.Governor La Trobe introduces the Gold Licence system
The Port Phillip District separates from New South Wales and becomes the Colonyof Victoria. It is still subject to British control
Unrest builds on the various goldfields with protest meetings held in Bendigo andCastlemaine
Governor and Lady Hotham tour the Victorian Goldfields. They are warmlywelcomed in Ballarat.
Gov Hotham orders twice weekly Licence hunts to further increase revenue.
Governor and Lady Hotham tour the Victorian Goldfields. They are warmlywelcomed in Ballarat
Robert Rede becomes Ballarat’s resident Gold Commissioner
A monster meeting is held on Bakery Hill (mainly attended by Catholics) to protestagainst the beating and arrest of Fr Smyth’s servant.
The 13 Stockaders excluding Thomas Dignum are tried and found not guilty oftreason. The charge against Dignum is withdrawn
Governor Hotham dies in Melbourne