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Eugene O'Neil

  • Birth

    O'Neil is born in a hotel in what would later be known as New York's Time's Square. His mother beings taking morphine to ease the pain of childbirth, leading to a long-lasting addiction.
  • First Son born

    Eugene O'neil Jr. is born. His parents would divorce in 1912.
  • Suicide attempt and Illness

    O'neil attempts suicide and contracts tuberculosis. He is inspired to become a playwright during his recovery.
  • Period: to

    Death of O'neil's Parents

    During this time, both of his parents pass. His parents will later become inspiration for his plays.
  • First Full-length play produced

    "Beyond the Horizon" is produced at the Moosco Theatre, winning O'neil his first Pulitzer Prize.
  • Second Pulitzer

    "Anna Christie" is awarded the Pulitzer Prize
  • Third Pulitzer

    Wins his third Pulitzer Prize for "Strange Interlude"
  • Nobel Prize in Literature

    O'neil wins the Nobel Prize in Literature, the first and only American dramatist to do so.
  • Period: to

    "A Long Day's Journey Into Night"

    O'neil finishes his most well-known work in 1941. He delivers it to Random House in New York, insisting the play not be produced until twenty-five years after his death.
  • Daughter married, never seen again

    Oona O'neil (18) marries Charlie Chaplin (54). O'neil rejects the marriage and never sees his daughter again.
  • Iceman Cometh

    The last Broadway production to be staged in O'neil's lifetime.
  • Son's Suicide

    O'neil's son, Eugene Jr. commits suicide, leaving a note that read "Never let it be said of O'Neill that he failed to finish a bottle."
  • Death

    O'neil dies after suffering from a neuromuscular disorder in the Shelton Hotel, Boston.
  • "A Long Day's Journey" Opens

    Despite his wishes, "A Long Day's Journey into Night" opens at the Helen Hayes Theatre, gaining O'neil a posthumous Pulitzer Prize.