Eucharist timeline

  • 1 BCE

    last supper

    last supper
    the last supper is the final meal shared by Jesus to his disciples, this is the origin of the Eucharist
  • 55

    Eucharist in the early church

    In approximately 55AD, Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthians, giving us evidence of Eucharist or breaking the bread existed in the early churches. Early Christians celebrated Eucharist in the command of Jesus at the last supper, he said "do this in memory of me".
  • 500


    the first passover was the story of how angel of death, passed over the homes on the night they left Egypt with Moses. They were asked to sacrifice a lamb and with the blood of the lamb they were freed.
  • 1215

    Eucharist in middle ages

    People were scared of the Eucharist, feeling unworthy to receive it. Many Catholics stopped receiving the sacrament frequently, and would limit their reception of Eucharist to special feasts. Children did not receive the Eucharist until they were twelve or fourteen years old, and many adults would receive the Eucharist only once a year. Some did not receive Communion unless they had gone to confession on the same day.
  • Real Presence

    By middle 20th century breaking the bread was different than in earlier centuries. However, the most important belief that Jesus Christ is truly present under the appearance of bread and wine did not change.
  • Second Vatican Council

    The Second Vatican Council, while reaffirming the Eucharist as the same Sacrifice as that of Jesus on the Cross. The Council authorised changes in the way Mass was celebrated. After the Council, dioceses all around the world gradually introduced various changes into their liturgies.
  • eucharist today

    The revised ritual allows communion in the hand and communion under both species.The laity assume many ministerial roles today, for example, as readers, eucharistic ministers, choir members, greeters, and gift bearers.