0 years old-Ethan Born weighing 6.44 lbs at 2:13 pm. He was 19 3/4 inches long.
Ethan was born weighing 6.44 lbs at 2:13 pm. He was 19 3/4 inches long. -
11/12 years old-I took my first steps
2 1/2 years old- became big brother to my brother
2 squared years old- I started playing soccer
square root of 36 years old- received terrific kid award at school
square root of 49 years old-I became big brother to my sister.
7.75 years old- I got baptized
17/2 years old- started playing basketball
65/6 years old- I got a dog for Christmas.
11.5 years old- I started swim team
12/1 years old-hope to win the school basketball championship
13.0 years old-I hope to be a great soccer player
14/1 years old- I hope to make lots of friends.
15 years old- get good at progaming robots
4 squared years old- I will hopefully drive.
17 years old- get job at movie theater.
18 years old- graduate from high school.
19 1/2 years old- get an internship at a gaming company.
square root of 400 years old- decide on a major in college
21.5 years old- start applying for jobs for career