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Ethan's life

  • birth

    I was born a bassicy a christmas baby I remember a bright light and a big pair of hands then i was inside a glass box with tubes in me and lying on a comfy pillow
  • The first house I lived in

    The first house I lived in
    I was a small baby boy I lived in a small village called Farmborough I lived with my mum dad and older brother
  • my first birthday

    my first birthday
    I turned one on the 22 of december Yay!
  • sister's birth

    sister's birth
    My sister was born and i was small my brother was talking to my baby sister in blabber talk my dad was hugging me and mum was on the hospital bed holding my sister.
  • birthday number 2

    birthday number 2
    my second birthday I had so many baby toys and a bouncer
  • first words

    first words
    I learnt my first words and they were dad and mum but not good pronouncing because I was a baby of course my brother called me bee because he couldn't say my name
  • 2011

    my brother loved me so much all my family did so we went to a play place indoors I crawled into the ball pit my dad pretend to be a shark and came up and tickled me lots and hugged me to.
  • 2012

    lots of things happened like birthday turing four snow sledding and eating spaghetti! as well as other things.
  • 2012

    was an awesome year we did loads of fun stuff and lots of hugs
  • 2013

    me my brother and sister played for hours we were like peas in a pod.
  • 2014

    me and my sister enjoying life
  • 2015

    me and my family went to a photographer studio and had pictures taken.
  • 2015

    I visited my aunty's house she had 7 dogs and these were my two personal favorites they were like my best friends the one on the right is ziggy and the other is tye they are both rottweilers.