Ethan lay.

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    James town

    James fort was made May 4th. the name was changed to Jamestown in 1619. James town was the first permanent English town in America. Jamestown was the first successful town following failed attempts at creating a town. one of the failed attempts was the lost Colony of Roanoke. James town was the colonial capital from 1616 to 1699. in 1676 Jamestown was burned during bacons rebellion but was rebuilt shortly after. although Jamestown was the first permanent settlement it is not the oldest town
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    the Salem witch trials

    the Salem witch trials were a set of prosecutions and hearings of people that were believed to use witchcraft. more than 200 people were accused of witchcraft. 25 people died in Salem Massachusetts 19 by hanging 14 women 5 men 5 died in jail and Giles Corey died under torture after refusing a plea. the Salem witch trials was the deadliest witch hunt in colonial north America. historians consider the effects of the trials to be influential in the history of America.
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    the French Indian war

    the French Indian war was a part of the 7-year war which had the British colonies fight against the French colonies both sides were supported by various native American tribes. at the start of the war the British colonies had 2 million colonists compared to the French colonies had 60,000 colonists. in 1756 great Britan declared war of France which led to the 7-year war. the colonists were supported by the native American tribes during the French Indian war Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee tribes.
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    the American revolution

    the American revolution was a political and ideological revolution that happened in the American colonies between 1765-1783 which led to the revolutionary war which lasted from 1775-1783. in 1765 the British passed the stamp act which put taxes on taxes on official documents, newspapers and magazines, and most things that are printed within the colonies. the stamp act led to protests Britan repealed the stamp act which lowered tensions, but they were raised when Britan made the Townshend acts.
  • the battles of Lexington and concord

    the battles of Lexington and concord were a result of 700 British troops attempting to capture and destroy patriot military supplies. But thanks to good intelligence patriot leaders had already moved the supplies when the fighting started the minutemen were outnumbered and fell back the British proceeded to concord and split into companies to search for supplies then 400-minute men 100 British troops from three companies the outnumbered British fell back and rejoined the main group of British.
  • the battle of bunker hill

    the battle was named after bunker hill which was the original objective of both the colonists and the British. the colonists took control over bunker and breeds hill to prevent the British from using them. the colonists had 2400 men and lost 450 the British had 3,000 or more men and lost 1,054. Most fighting took place on breeds hill which was nearby the colonists repelled two British attacks before running out of ammunition. the colonists retreated before the British could attack again.
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    the declaration of independence

    the declaration of independence is the document that started the United States by declaring to great Britan that the us is an independent country. 56 delegates signed the declaration of independence. the second continental congress had 5 people write the declaration those 5 people are john Adames Benjamin franklin Tomas Jeferson Robert r Livingston and roger Sherman. Tomas Jeferson mostly wrote the declaration in isolation from June 11th-28th 1776 the declaration has been in sense 2024.
  • the battle of Trenton

    the battle of Trenton was a small but important battle. the battle of Trenton was a colonist victory. the colonists had 2,400 troops 2 died and 5 were wounded the Hesse-Cassel had 1,500 with 22 killed 83 wounded and 800 captured. the battle of Trenton happened after George Washington and his troops crossed Delaware river then walked 9 miles south to reach Trenton. the hessians did not expect to be attacked so they lowered their guard and people were not on patrol.
  • the battle of Princeton

    the battle of Princeton was a battle that led to a small American victory. the battle of Princeton happened because George Washington wanted to attack the British in new jersey before winter happened the Americans had 4,500 troops with 35 large guns the British had 1,200 men with 6 large guns. on January 3rd Washington and his troops fought and won against a small British force but retreated before British general Charles Cornwallis came with a larger force of British troops
  • the battle of Macchias

    the battle of macchias was a water-based assault on the town of macchias. the attack was led by great Brittan with 123 marines 1 sloop of war 3 frigates and a brig. the British lost 3 men with 18 wounded. the town was defended by a group of local militias and native Americans 1 died and one was wounded. on august 13th the British attempted to go up a river leading to macchias and along the way were shot at from troops on the land near the river hoping to halt them from going further
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    the battles of Saratoga

    the battles of Saratoga were two battles between Jhon Burgoyne and his army of British troops and a army of American troops. the battles happened when Jhon and his forces were trying to meet with other British forces when Jhon and his men were surrounded by American forces. Jhon won the first battle despite winning the first battle despite being outnumbered. but when the second battle happened 18 days later, he and his forces surrendered when a lager American force came back to fight him again
  • the battle of Germantown

    the battle of Germantown was a important battle that took place in Philadelphia the battle was between the British army led by Heese Casel and the colonial army led by George Washington. the British won this battle. the British had a strength of 9,000 troops with 71 killed 448 wounded and 14 missing. the colonists had a strength of 11,000 troops with 152 killed 521 wounded and 438 captured. A heavy fog caused confusion and problems for the attacking Americans.
  • the battle of kings mountain

    the battle of kings mountain was a battle between patriot and loyalist militias. The patriot militia had 900 men with 28 killed and 62 wounded. the British had 1,105 men with 299 killed 163 wounded and 668 captured. The battle started around 3:00 pm when the patriots surrounded a loyalist camp in groups of 100-200 men and because the loyalist was not fortified the patriots had an easy time capturing and killing the loyalists in the camp.
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    the battle of Yorktown

    the battle of Yorktown was a decisive victory for colonists troops led by George Washington and French troops led by Comte de Rochambeau. the battle of Yorktown ended at 10:30 on October 19, 1791, the battle lasted for 3 weeks, the battle of Yorktown was the last major land battle that happened in America the capture of general Cornwallis and his army led to the British government to start putting an end to the conflict. the colonists and French had a total 16,700 troops engage the British.
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    the United States constitution

    the constitution was put in effect September 17th and has been use sense then the constitution is Americas most important set of laws.