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Esther: For such a time like this

  • 485 BCE

    Esther Mother dies

    Esther Mother dies
  • 485 BCE

    Esther lives with Mordecai

    Esther lives with Mordecai
    After Esther's mother dies, Esther stays to live with Mordecai, who was a related of her, and it passed about four or more years with Mordecai when they asked her to go to present herself to the king.
  • 480 BCE

    King Xerxes has Vashti as wife and queen

    King Xerxes has Vashti as wife and queen
    King Xerxes has Vashti as queen, but when the king asked her to come to his party, the queen denied and did not come. The king was furious and made a degree that said that Vashti could not come to his presence ever again. (Esther 1: 1-21)
  • 470 BCE

    King Xerxes chooses a new queen

    King Xerxes chooses a new queen
    The king was searching for a new queen, and he decided to make a contest to see who was the most beautiful woman. All the woman's prepare for about 12 months. Esther had about 14 years when she was chosen to become queen. She was the most beautiful girl of all of the other girls.
  • 469 BCE

    Mordecai saves the king's life

    Mordecai saves the king's life
    A little while later after Esther was chosen queen, two soldiers were trying to kill king Xerxes. Mordecai over heard them and warned Esther. Immediately she told the king about what both soldiers wanted to do. When the king heard this, he commanded to kill the two soldiers. Xerxes was really happy for what Esther did to him, but she gave the credit to Mordecai, and the king was pleaded. Esther didn't tell him that she was Jewish.
  • 468 BCE

    King Xerxes gives power to Haman

    King Xerxes gives power to Haman
    After what Mordecai did, the king gave Haman power. When Haman passed, the people bowed and praised him, but not Mordecai. He did not praised nor bowed down to him. This really affected Haman and for that he decided to kill him. He rolled dices that said twelve. So, he said that on the twelve year of King Xerxes, on the first month, the month of Nisan, Haman decided to kill all the Jews in the land.
  • 468 BCE

    Celebration in honor of Mordecai

    Celebration in honor of Mordecai
    One night, the king scribe was reading his papers. When the scribe said the part were Mordecai saved the king's live, he told Haman what should he do to a man. Haman, who was thinking about himself, told what he would like to get, but without mentioning his name. After that Haman asked the king who was it going to be for and to his surprise, it was Mordecai. So the king gave Mordecai all the things Haman had said the night before.
  • 468 BCE

    Haman goes to the king

    Haman goes to the king
    When the time was right, Haman went into the king's presence. He extended his staff and Haman touched it. After that, Haman convinced the king that there was some people in his land that were against Xerxes. The king was convinced and approved.
  • 467 BCE

    Mordecai tells Esther

    Mordecai tells Esther
    Esther was queen for quite a while. Mordecai told her quickly when he heard the news. Esther was puzzled. She didn't know what to do, and even if she did she could be killed.
  • 467 BCE

    Esther goes into the king's presence

    Esther goes into the king's presence
    Esther was brave and even if she knew she could die, she did it anyway. Before going into thee king's presence, she told the Jews and her household to not eat anything for three day and that she would go into the throne room.
  • 467 BCE

    First Banquet

    First Banquet
    When the time was right, Esther went before the king. The king was happy to see her and extended his staff. Esther was very joyful that she did not have to die. King Xerxes ask her: What do you want? You can ask even for half of my kingdom. Esther told him that she wanted to organize a banquet for him and Haman.
  • 467 BCE

    Second Banquent

    Second Banquent
    The queen didn't tell the king about the degree, instead she invited them to a second banquet. The king haply said yes. On the second banquet, the time was right to tell the truth.
  • 467 BCE

    Haman is killed

    Haman is killed
    On the second banquet, Esther told the king the truth: Esther- Some one wants to kill me and my people. King- Who would dare to do such a thing! Esther- It is Haman!. Then the king went to think about the punishment he should give Haman, and in the meanwhile, Haman was pleading the queen to spare his life, but when the king saw this he became furious and thought he was attacking the queen. King Xerxes had Haman hung from a pole which he had constructed to watch Mordecai from his house.
  • 466 BCE

    The new law

    The new law
    After Haman's death, the king gave Mordecai Haman's job and they wrote a new law that now no one can hurt the Jews and if they did then they could defend themselves.
  • 464 BCE

    Esther dies