492 BCE
When was Esther born
She was born at Persia She was born on 492 B.C . -
491 BCE
Chield hood of Esther
The Bible describes Esther as an orphan who was raised in the house of her uncle Mordecai, Esther's father died during her mother's pregnancy, and the latter died during childbirth. She lived in the city of Susa. -
482 BCE
King Xerxes has Vashti as wife
King Xerxes has Vashti but he divorsed her as her wife an expelled her as her queen.Now she cant be with the king so now the king is going to get another queen to rull. -
480 BCE
king Xerxes chooses a new wife
The king was looking for a new wife, he call many women and got them ready to see the king for 12 moths. When she was chosen to be the queen she was about 14. She was chosen by her beauty that overcame the other girls. -
479 BCE
Mordecai saves the king
Some time later when the king choose Esther to be the queen, two soldiers wanted to make a plan to kill the king. Mordecai herd them talking about it and told Esther so. As soon as she new she told the king to save his life. When the king got the chance to her this he order the workers to kill both of the soldiers, the king was very grateful for what Esther for warning him about but still gave the Mordecai a job to show his greatfullnes. -
479 BCE
Haman decides to kill the jew's
The king gave Haman power after what Mordecai did. When Haman walked throw the people the people were grateful so they praise him, But Modarcai wouldn't ,this made Haman mad. . Haman pland to kill all jews because it was the the people of Modarcai. so he planed to eliminate them on the 12 year, in the 1st month. And the king agree. -
478 BCE
Esther goes to the king
Mardocai tells Esther what the king agreed to, and she believed him. She decided to go to the king but before she and her people would do three days of praying and fasting. She was accepted by the King even though she didn't have an appointment. -
478 BCE
Esther saves the jews
Esther throws two banquets and the King accepted her invitation. On the second banquet, Esther comes to the King and she confessed her identity as a jew, and asked him to save the jews. The King accepted her request and after that make an edict in behalf of the jews. Esther told the King who was behind that plan of eliminating the jews.As soon as the King knew he orders the servers to kill Haman. they killed him at the haorca wich was built by Haman to kill Mardocai.