Electric Cars
These type of car uses renewable energy to move so that it helps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced and so helps to combat climate change as well. -
Minita Disease (Japan)
The disease was caused by methyl mercury in the wastewater which came from Chisso Corporation’s chemical factory, what happened was that marine animals ate this mercury and then they were eaten by people and this resulted in mercury poisoning. -
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson wrote about the negative effects of unregulated pesticides had on the environment, which brought attention to this issue and achieved the creation of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency. -
Earth Day
This involved education institutions in U.S to help take care of the environment and create awareness. For example, they recycled, saved water, etc. Now it also involves people turning off their light for 1 hour to reduce energy use. -
Bhopal Pesticide (India)
One tank of Union Carbide Corporation was overheated and when it bursted, it released 42 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate gas. It resulted in 26,000 people dying because of the toxic gas. -
Brundtland Report
The World Commission on Environmental and Development released “Our common future”, this report talked about sustainable development and incentivated to have a smaller impact in the environment. -
UN Earth Summit Rio
The conference helped leaders create the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and multiple frameworks to combat environmental issues (Climate Change, Desertification and Conservation are examples of these issues). -
Kyoto protocol
This is an international treaty of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) that makes the member state countries be committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. -
Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
Techniques to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and is important to decrease carbon dioxide, this could help combat climate change and reduce its impacts. -
The sixth mass extinction
The 99% of threatened species is mainly caused by humans activities and this has created awareness for the Environmental movement. Some people are trying different things such as becoming vegan in order to take action. -
Inconvenient Truth
Was written by Davis Guggenheim and talked about the climate change, this resulted in more people being aware of this problem and it changed some people’s attitude toward the natural environment. -
Floating rubbish bins that cleans the ocean
Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski created these seasons that can collect rubbish from the ocean and this has not only helped decrease the amount of pollution in the ocean, but has also made some people see how their acts have an impact in the environment. -
Paris Agreement
All the member states of the UN went to Paris to combat climate change and adapt to its effects. In total there were 175 countries which signed the Paris Agreement that wanted to keep the temperature below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels with different solutions, such as using technology to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.