ESOC 210 Timeline Assignment

  • Grace Hopper Date of Birth

  • Graduation from College

    Graduation from College
    Attended Vassar College and graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts in Physics and Mathematics.
  • Teaching Mathematics

    Hopper began teaching Mathematics at Vassar in 1931. In 1941, Hopper achieved a faculty fellowship award for her study at New York University's Institute for Mathematics.
  • PHD at Yale University

    PHD at Yale University
    Grace graduated from this University with a degree in Mathematics.
  • Contributions at Harvard

    Teamed up with Howard Aiken and worked on computer programming. During this time, she developed some major contributions to the famous Mark I and Mark II computers.
  • World War II

    Grace was commissioned a lieutenant in June of 1944. As a result of her strong mathematical background, she was assigned to the Bureau of Ordnance Computation Projected at Harvard. This is where she learned the important aspects of programming a Mark I computer.
  • Grace Hopper Contributions at Eckert Mauchly Computer Corporation

    Grace Hopper started working here at this corporation and became a mathematician that created UNIVersal Automatic Computer. This occurred in 1949. In addition to the, Hopper was able to develop the initial complier. This was able to translate Machine Code into Symbolic Mathematical Code.
  • Programming Pioneer

    During the year 1953, Hopper contributed to the idea of having programs written in words instead of symbols. She was told no many times and people said her idea would not work. Despite this, she continued anyways on an English-language complier. She coined the term FLOW-MATIC as the first programming language to use word commands.
  • The Importance of Flow-Matic Language

    Developed this idea of Flow-Matic Language. Many of the programs she designed followed the idea of English language instead of the idea of machine codes.
  • Naval Reserve Return

    Grace Hopper was involved with the Navy Programming Language Group. This occurred from 1967-1977 and she served as a director for Information System Planning. Later, was promoted as a captain for this.
  • Yale Award

    In 1972, Hopper received an award from Yale's Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal which was awarded to outstanding alumni members.
  • British Computer Society.

    In 1973, Grace Hopper became the first American and the first woman to become a Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society.
  • Navy Computer Programming

    During the years 1977 to 1986, Hopper was “the Navy’s foremost propagandist for its computer program and became its representative to learned societies.
  • National Medal of Technology

    National Medal of Technology
    As a result of many of her technological achievements, Grace achieved the award called the National Medal of Technology. This medal is usually given out to innovators that show significant promise in a technological related field. This is given from the President of the United States.
  • Grace Hopper Legacy

    Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom award from President Obama. This award showcases contributors of security or national interests to the United States.