A.C.V. Shelby (6th Circuit, 2013) PRO-Child 504 Retaliation Decision.
The principal filed false child abuse allegations against child's parents. For a case of this nature to proceed, there must be a finding that the school district for asserting their rights under section 504.Retaliation of their rights to filed a complaint against the school district. It aware the school system that they should have the full and true knowledge of filing a case against the families. www.wrightslaw.com/law/caselaw/2013/case.6th.cir.504retaliation.original.pdf -
Doug C.V. Hawai- The Ninth Circuit Issue. (SPENCER; a minor child NO 12-15079. D.C. NO 1:11-CV-00441-KSC.)
An important decision about Parental participation at IEP meetings. "Both Parents and all special education staff who conduct IEP meetings should be familiar with this land mark ruling about IEP meetings and parental participation. It takes that in to consideration that the parent select "provide educational instruction specially designed to meet the unique needs of a disabled child. www.wrightslaw.com/law/caselaw/2013/case.6th.cir.504retaliation.original.pdf -
F. H. v. Memphis City Schs., No. 13-6323 (6th Cir. 2014)
Parent filed suit against school after child was verbally , physically and sexually abused by aides at school. School centered into settlement Agreement with the parent then refused to home the agreement. Court found that sec 1983 claims do not require exhaustion under IDEA and that settlement agreement is enforceable in court. Through this particular case it helps families who had gone through with this injustice with their children.