ESE 601 Historical Timeline

  • Diana v. California State Board of Education

    The superintendent of the school district stated that it did not matter if students who spoke another language didn't pass the test. The defendent stated that it was not fair having students who speak another language take a test in English. The court ruled that students are able to take standardized tests in their primary language.
  • Irving Independent School District v. Tatro

    A student with spina bifida was denied medical assistance as part of her IEP. Parents tried to get the IEP modified to include the medical assistance since the school was receiving federal funds to provide the assistance. The court ruled that based on the Education of the Handicapped Act, the procedure was a related service that the district was required to provide.
  • Honig v. Doe

    Student was expelled due to actions that were caused by his disability. The grandparents of the student claimed that a student should not be expelled without due process based off of action from the disability. The court ruled for a "ten-day rule" which allows a student to only be suspended for up to ten days without parental consent.