
Escalation in Vietnam

  • OSS Dear Team

    OSS Dear Team
    The OSS Dear Team was created by the United States Office of Strategic services in March of 1945. The mission for the OSS was to attack and intercept materials from the Japanese on the railroad from Hanoi to Lang son to keep them out of China. There was common enemy, the Japanese, and both the US and the Indepence of North Vietnam wanted the Japanese to loose the war.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Underneath the Truman Doctrine, President Truman sent military and funding to the French. The 10 million dollars that was sent was to start helping the fight against the spread of communism.
  • Domino Theory by Eisenhower

    Domino Theory by Eisenhower
    On April 7, 1954, President Eisenhower coined the term Domino Theory. The idea that once one domino falls the rest will fall too. The idea was used for communism, that once one country falls the rest will fall to it to. Eisenhower created this to hopefully stop the spread of communism. He thought if we stopped it in South Vietnam that it wouldn't spread to nearby countries.
  • Eisenhower sending aid to the French

    Eisenhower sending aid to the French
    In the year 1954, under the Eisenhower Administration was paying for 80% of French cost of war. He was supporting the French because of the Domino Theory. He saw it as they were fighting against the rise of communism.
  • Eisenhower sends military advisors

    Eisenhower sends military advisors
    Under MAAG, President Eisenhower sends 700 military advisors. They were sent to coordinate and oversee the army of republic of vietnam.
  • Kennedy sending Military advisors

    Kennedy sending Military advisors
    On May 11th, President Kennedy sent additional sent 500 Green Berets and Military advisors into South Vietnam. They were sent to South Vietnam to start training South Vietnamese to defend for themselves.
  • Kennedy increases the military advisors in vietnam

    Kennedy increases the military advisors in vietnam
    By the end 1962, JFK increases the number of military advisors to 11,000. The outlook of the war was that we were loosing and needed to increase the numbers so that it wouldn't end in the US loosing.
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

    Gulf of Tonkin incident
    The morning of August 2nd, 1964, The USS Maddox was firing at the North Vietnamese shores. Later that North Vietnamese ships were following the USS Maddox when the USS shot warning shots at them. The NV ships fired back and later were sunk. This was the breaking point to LBJ and started the war in Vietnam.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Under President Johnson, he sent military jets into North Vietnam to bomb certan target. The idea to demoralise them and hope for them to surrender to our power. It was only planned for a 8 week program but turned into 3 years of bombing.
  • The first boots on the ground in Vietnam

    The first boots on the ground in Vietnam
    On the morning of March 8, 1965, 3,500 marine forces arrive on da nang shore. These were the first troops that were not military advisors and would be the first military unit.