Italy expansion
in Africa , Italy took possesion of Ethiopia as part of its mission to extend its colonial empire. In Europe, it also invade Albania -
Spanish Civil War
Italy and Germany took part in the Spanish Civil War, supplying the insurgent forces with soldiers and weapons, while France and Great Britain choose not to get involved( Non-Interevention Pact). -
Third Reich(German expansion)
Germany developed a policy of territorial expansion aimed at creating a vast empire (Third Reich) -
Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan
Germany entered into the Anti-Comintern pact with Japan -
In Asia, Japan sought to expand its territory at the expense of China.
It occupied Manchuria in 1931 and invaded China in1937 -
German expansion
It used military force to occupy Austria(Anschuluss) and in september demanded Czechoslovakia hand over the Sudetenland wich was populated by a significant german minority. -
The Munich Conference
Was convened by Hitler following protests by France,Great Britain and other powers.it ended whith the democracies accepting Hitler´s promises to expand no further. -
Rome-Berlin Axis alliance
Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with Italy, which was renewed under the name of Pact of Steel. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
To prevent the USSR from joining forces with France and Great Britain and helping Poland, Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Stalin, after wich he began the invasion of Poland.In response, the Allies(France and Great Britain) declared war on Germany wich made the beginning of the Second World War.