Erwin Williams timeline

  • William Erwin was born in Born in Texas, USA on 18 Oct 1895

    William Erwin was born in Born in Texas, USA on 18 Oct 1895
    William Erwin was born in Born in Texas, USA on 18 Oct 1895 . His date of brith was Oct,18 1895. He was raised in Chicago after his brith.
  • Erwin was raised in Chicago

    Erwin was raised in Chicago
    <a href='' William Erwin was raised in Chicago. The date that he went to Chicago was Nov,1 1895. He spent all of his time there.
  • Period: to

    william Erwin's timeline

  • Declares to stay neutral

    Declares to stay neutral
    The United states declares to stay neutral in the face of war. This appeased many people at the time.But soon the US would have to feel.
  • 1917 Erwin was prompt in volunteering his services with the air service.

    1917 Erwin was prompt in volunteering his services with the air service.
    <a href='' On Apr, 1 1917 William Erwin volunteered his service. Erwin gave his services to the air service. He was sent, following training, to France where he was assigned flight duties
  • Declared war on Sebria

    Declared war on Sebria
    On 28 July, the Austro-Hungarians declared war on Serbia and invaded them.
  • invaded neutral Belgium

    invaded neutral Belgium
    As Russia was in support of Serbia, Germany invaded neutral Belgium.But before they was moving towards France, leading Britain to declare war on Germany. the date this happen on was
  • june 1 1918

    june 1 1918
    "For extraordinary heroism in action in the Chateau Thierry and St. Mihiel salients, France.
  • assigned to the 1st Observation Squadron on 19 July 1918.

    assigned to the 1st Observation Squadron on 19 July 1918. William's was assigned to the 1st Observation Squadron. On Jul 19 1918 thats when he was assigned the 1st Observation squadron.He was Lieutenant D. H. Dahringer with the 1st U.S. Aero Squadron.
  • His first victory - or 'kill' - was achieved in September 1918

    His first victory - or 'kill' - was achieved in September 1918
    <a href='' On Sep, 1 1918 Erwin got his first kill/victory. He achieved this in september 1918. After a second - downing a Rumpler two-seater aircraft - followed some two weeks later.
  • A dawn patrol the following month brought Erwin his third aerial victory

    A dawn patrol the following month brought Erwin his third aerial victory This event happened in Sep 1 1918. William Erwin had his third aerial victory two weeks after his first and second victory.
  • On September 12-13 he flew at extremely low altitudes and carried out infantry contact patrols successfully.

    On September 12-13 he flew at extremely low altitudes and carried out infantry contact patrols successfully.
    william erwin had flew at extremely low altitudes. the date of this is sep 12/13 1918. also he carried out infantry contact patrols.
  • William P. Erwin scored eight victories as a U.S. air ace during World War One.

    William P. Erwin scored eight victories as a U.S. air ace during World War One.
    <a href='' William Erwin scored eight victories as a U.S. air ace in World War one. The date this happened was in Oct, 15 1918. Erwin's final victory was achieved on 22 of October.
  • the began of WWi

    the began of WWi
    First World War or the Great War, was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.
  • . A participant in the Dole Air Race of 1927, he was last seen departing Oakland

    . A participant in the Dole Air Race of 1927, he was last seen departing Oakland
    william erwin was last seen departing in oakland. the reason why he was there because he participant in the dole air eace of 1927
  • 1927 Erwin was presumed lost at sea while searching for other participants.

    1927 Erwin was presumed lost at sea while searching for other participants.
    <a href='' this event is the death of William Erwin.He was found dead at sea his body was not found. They was searching for him for a very long time but no good evidence. He participated in the Dole Air Race in Hawaii.