Ernst mach

Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel Mach

By Zee22
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    Ernst Mach was born on February 18th, 1838 in Moravia. At a young age Ernst and his family moved to a farm in Vienna. Ernst was home schooled by his parents. His father Johann Mach graduated from Prague University.
  • Development

    In 1855 at the age of 17 Mach Enrolled at the University of Vienna where he studied physics until 1860. To follow he developed his first article on psychophysics and the relationship between tension in the eye muscles and perception of form.
  • Mach's Start

    Mach's Start
    In 1866 Mach became Chair of Experimental Physics at the Charles University in Prague. Mach stayed there for the next 28 years. Conducting studies.
  • Mach Bands

    Mach Bands
    Gustav Fechner was one of Mach's main influences. Mach had the opportunity to work with him and carried out his important work on Mach Bands optical illusions caused by contrast perception in the human eye.
  • Personal

    Mach married Ludovica Marussig. They had five children.
  • Mach's Theory: Speed of Sound

    Mach's Theory: Speed of Sound
    Before Mach's theory it was believed that optical illusions were just errors in judgment. Mach stated that not all processing occurs within just the brain. Perception works through the relations between stimuli.
  • Mach Number

    Mach Number
    in 1887 Mach established principles of supersonics and the Mach number, ratio of the velocity of a fluid to the velocity of sound in that fluid.
  • Mach

    Mach suffered from a stroke, the right side of his body was fully paralyzed. In 1901 Mach retired from the University of Vienna.
  • Death

    Even after retiring Mach continued to lecture, write, and publish works. 1910 Mach's autobiography was published. February 19, 1916 Mach died living with his son in Vaterstetten.