Ernst mach

Ernst Mach (February 18, 1838 - February 19, 1916)

  • The Birth of Ernst Mach

    The Birth of Ernst Mach
    On February 18, 1838, the physicist Ernst March was born. He was born in Moravia, which is part of the modern day Czech Republic.
  • Contribution to Doppler Effect

    Contribution to Doppler Effect
    In 1864 Mach created a device to demonstrate the Doppler Effect. The device was a six foot tube with a whistle at one end of it that spun in a vertical plane. Depending where the observer stood during the experiment, the observer could view the change in pitch according to rotation of the whistle.
  • Mach Bands

    Mach Bands
    In Mach’s first article on Mach Bands [Mach 1865] he states the phenomena he called these Mach bands. Mach bands are the appearance of shadows on the edges of different colored grey lines. This triggers an edge detection in our visual system.
  • Mach Number

    Mach Number
    Mach number can also be known as Mach speed, or sometimes even supersonic speed. Mach number is used to be a determinate for an objects velocity through any medium. This medium can be either gas or liquid. The term Mach number was proposed 13 years after Machs death by aeronautical engineer Jakob Ackeret.
  • The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical Account of Its Development

    The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical Account of Its Development
    This publication was written in 1893 and his both the expression of growth of Ernst Mach as professor and also detailing the fundamentals of mechanics and gives some insight into his scientific reasoning process.
  • The Death of Ernst Mach

    The Death of Ernst Mach
    Ernst Mach died at the age of 78, one day after his 78th birthday. During his life wrote over 100 scientific papers and his work would go on to influence a whole generation of scientist, aeronautical engineers, and even some philosophers. His work continues to be cherished to this day and he even has a car in his name from the Mach number.