Ernst mach

Ernst Mach (February 18, 1838 - February 19, 1916)

  • Mach Childhood

    Mach Childhood
    Ernst Mach was born February 18, 1838 and raised on a farm from the age of two years old. Mach was homeschooled until the age of 14 and then attended an Austrian Gymnasium and graduated at the age of 17. He then attended the University of Vienna in 1855. Mach grew up to be a physicist and a philosopher making a great contribution to this world and changing the game of physics for the better.
  • Mach College Years

    Mach College Years
    From 1855 to 1861 Ernst Mach studied mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna. During his studies Mach bought the Doppler Effect to life by creating a device where sound could be heard by different frequencies. His studies on the sound barrier and supersonic motion started the revolution of man wanting to reach this speed of Mach 1. Once he completed his doctorate he continued to teach at the university until 1864.
  • Discovery in Motion

    Discovery in Motion
    Mach received an opportunity in Mathematics in Graz pictured in the timeline. Earning wages gave Mach income and time needed to work on his own experiments and two years later he moved from mathematics to physics. One major contribution is the study of shock waves. The ratio of speed to sound is given a number. This number is famously named after Mach.
  • Mach Bands

    Mach Bands
    Mach moved to Prague in 1867 and was a professor of physics for 28 years. During this time Mach was able develop his theories on Mach Bands, speed of sound, supersonic motion, high speed photographic techniques. The Mach Number is speed of sound related to an object. Mach 1 means the speed of sound in a given medium. Mach discovered the effect of how light distribution effected the retina and what is now known as Mach Bands pictured in this timeline.