Mach selfie

Ernst Mach (1838-1916)

  • Birth

    Ernst Mach was born in Chirlitz, Moravia. He became a famous philosopher and physicist who helped develop principles in optics, wave dynamics and mechanics.
  • Mach's Bands

    Mach's Bands
    Professor Mach discovered this optical illusion which exaggerates the boundaries between different shades of gray.
  • Picture Time

    Picture Time
    Professor Mach was able to developed different techniques to take photographic images of sound waves and wave propagation
  • Mach Numbers

    Mach Numbers
    During this year, Professor Mach was able to confirm the principles of supersonic speeds. This discovery led to what we know as Mach Numbers or the ratio of the velocity of an object to the velocity of sound.
  • Mach's Principles

    Mach's Principles
    This principle went through rigorous falsifiability's in order to be proposed. Defining inertia as having a symbiotic relationship with every object in the universe. This ultimately paved the pathway for Einstein's Theory of Relativity!
  • Departed

    Two years after suffering a stroke, Professor Mach departed from this life, a day after his 78th birthday!