Ernst Mach (18 February 1838 – 19 February 1916)

  • Birth

    Ernst Mach was born in Chrlice, Moravia, Austrian Empire (modern day Brno, Czech Republic) to Johann Mach and Josephine Lanhaus.
  • Mach Goes to College

    Mach enrolled as a student at the University of Vienna studying physics, philosophy, and mathematics. He received his doctorate in physics in 1860 with his thesis “On electrical charge and induction”.
  • Graduation Day

    Mach received his doctorate in physics with his thesis Über elektrische Ladungen und Induktion (About Electric Charges and Induction).
  • The Student Becomes the Teacher

    Mach becomes a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Graz in Graz, Austria after turning down a position at the University of Salzburg.
  • Switch Teaching Roles

    Mach is appointed the Professor of Physics at the University of Graz.
  • Takes the Chair

    Mach accepts the position of Chair of Experimental Physics at Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague.
  • Marriage

    Mach marries Ludovica Marussig in Graz. They have four sons and a daughter.
  • Sense of Balance

    He discovered how fluid in the inner ear impacts our balance. He developed a spinning chair to test and prove his hypothesis.
  • Not just Match

    Mach present the groundwork for Gestalt Theory in his book "Analysis of Sensations".
  • The Mach Principle

    Mach and Peter Salcher present their findings on the sound effects observed during the supersonic motion of a projectile. The experiment identified the ratio of the speed of a fluid to the local speed of sound, now called the Mach number. His principle is essential to aerodynamics and hydrodynamics studies.
  • Mechanics

    Mach publishes "The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical Account of Its Development". The work is considered fundamental to understanding mechanics and scientific reasoning.
  • Back to Vienna

    Mach returns to the University of Vienna as Professor of Inductive Philosophy.
  • Health Problems

    Mach suffers a stroke that leaves the right side of his body paralyzed.
  • Retirement from Academics

    Mach retires from the University of Vienna and is appointed to the Austrian Parliament.
  • Retirement

    Mach leaves Vienna and moves in with one of his sons near Munich.
  • Death

    Ernst Mach continues to write and research until his death.