Erikson's Timeline- Hana Kwon

  • Identity vs. Confusion

    Identity vs. Confusion
    Claire (age 16), has baked a cake with her mom for her birthday every year. When she turned 16 she decided to get a job at the local bakery! The crisis in this stage is developing a sense of self and having a feeling of control in your life (identity), or if one is unable to do this they are left with feelings of insecurity (confusion).
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Claire (age 25) is getting married to her best friend Jack and is having a bachelorette party with her friends from college! The crisis here is having stable relationships and friendships (intimacy) or being unable to achieve intimacy and form close relationships due to a lack of identity (isolation).
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Claire (age 50), is hosting a Christmas fundraiser at her bakery to help raise money to buy toys for children in need! The crisis during this stage is being a productive member of society and helping and giving back to others (generativity) or if one is not involved in others or activities they end up disconnected and feeling unproductive (stagnation).