Eriksons psychosocial

  • Identity vs. confusion

    Identity vs. confusion
    Breeana chooses to change her path of attitude from being scared to doing things that she knows she would regret not doing if she did not do them.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. confusion, this stage has an essential role in teenagers development of a sense of personal identity. Doing this she would be able to develop more of her identity.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Breeana gets into a relationship with a man named Van. She choses to make her feelings vulnerable to him by doing this.
    In Erikson's sixth stage Intimacy versus isolation the crisis Breeana giving Van her vulnerablilty with the trust that he will show his vulnerable spots as well
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Breeana recieved a promotion at work that she has been working towards for the last two years that she has been working at the hospital.
    In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation, the crisis is continuing to work hard to be as productive as she has in the past or to quit and spiral down till she feels uninvolved with the world.