Erikson Timeline - Shelby Dunn

  • 1st Event

    Julia and Rob let her son Connor (2 years of age) pick out the outfit he wanted to wear to his friend’s birthday party giving him a little independence and helping him with decision making
    In Erikson’s second stage, autonomy versus shame and doubt,
    The crisis is between forming a sense of independence in his actions and decisions and feeling the shame and doubt that comes with the lack of allowing independent thoughts
  • 2nd Event

    Connor’s (13 years of age) parents go to church every Sunday but didn’t want to force their religion on him. Recently he asked to start joining them because he was interested in the community and values their church preach. In Erkison’s fifth stage, identity versus role confusion.The crisis is between developing your own sense of self while forming individuality through the interactions with have with other people and establishments compared to feeling lost due to conforming to those around you
  • 3rd Event

    Connor (57 years of age) decides to start a new foundation that will help stop deforestation for generations to come; he wants to leave his mark by creating a greener footstep for those who will walk on this earth after he’s gone.
    In Erickson’s seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation
    The crisis is between creating something you can be proud of and doing nothing and being left with the feelings being unproductive in this world.