Erikson Timeline Project

  • Emily develops self: Identity vs. identity confusion

    Emily develops self: Identity vs. identity confusion
    (Age 27) After a traumatic life experience that left her feeling confused about who she is, Emily works on developing herself and her own interests. She reconnects with herself and works on defining who she is, what she likes, and who she wants to be. She reestablishes herself as an individual. The "main developmental challenge of the adolescence stage is to develop a secure and coherent identity" (Arnett, Jensen 24).
  • Decision to marry: Intimacy vs. isolation

    Decision to marry: Intimacy vs. isolation
    (Age 30) Emily decides to marry Cy. The "developmental challenge of early adulthood is to establish a committed, long-term love relationship" (Arnett, Jensen 24).
  • Emily starts a family: Generativity vs. stagnation

    Emily starts a family: Generativity vs. stagnation
    (Age 30-31) Emily gives birth to her first child, Rose. Her priorities shift from self to caring for others. The "main challenge of middle adulthood is learning to care for others and contributing to the well-being of the young" (Arnett, Jensen 24).