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Erikson Timeline-Jaime Villarreal

  • Trust Vs. Mistrust

    Trust Vs. Mistrust
    In Erikson's First stage trust vs. mistrust, the steamed bun Bao initially distrusts the mother because she almost eats him but eventually, Bao starts to trust her after she feeds him, takes him shopping, and does activities together.
  • Initiative Vs. Guilt

    Initiative Vs. Guilt
    In Erikson's third stage initiative versus guilt, Bao tries to run off with friends to play(initiative) but is then caught by his mother and scolded and discouraged from playing(guilt).
  • Intimacy Vs. Isolation

    Intimacy Vs. Isolation
    In Erikson's sixth stage intimacy versus isolation, Bao develops a relationship with a woman (intimacy) at the cost of losing a close connection with his mother who is having difficulty accepting her son's independence.