1st event
Misty is learning to dress herself by putting on her own shoes and coat to go outside to play. She puts the shoes on the wrong feet and the coat is inside out.
Erikson's second stage, autonomy versus shame and doubt, the crises is Misty is choosing to put her own shoes on and coat to go outside, even though it is time for bed. She is practicing her autonomy by asserting herself with dressing herself and wanting to go outside. -
2nd event
Misty starts Kindergarten in a new school and will be away from her family all day long. Erikson's third stage, initiative versus guilt, the crises of having encouragement from her family about experiencing new friends and having a school that belongs to her will help her develop initative to do well and feel safe. -
3rd event
Misty decides she no longer likes to play with dolls and no longer watches animated movies. She also wants to make over her room so it doesn't look like a princess lives there anymore. Erikson's 5th stage, identity versus identity confusion, the crises is Misty no longer identifies with playing with dolls and watching cartoons. She recognizes that she likes darker colors and music more and wants to deorate an define her environment with what she identifies as herself -
4th Event
Misty has a baby boy. She is very happy to have had a safe and healthy delivery. She is secure in having a house, a car, and a partner who will help her take care of the new human being. Erikson's 7th stage, generativity versus stagnation, the crises is focusing on the next generation by caring and providing for others.