Erikson Timeline

  • Industry v.s. Inferiority

    Industry v.s. Inferiority
    At the age of 10 Miranda has a project that asks what she wants to be when she grows up. All of her friends know exactly what they want to do and she's discouraged by this. In an effort to figure it out, Miranda's mom helps her do some research and take a personality quiz online. Miranda thinks she might want to be a surgeon, and starts getting more interested in science.
  • Identity v.s. Identity Confusion

    Identity v.s. Identity Confusion
    Miranda is now 17, and a junior in high school. She's touring universities and getting a better understanding of college life. Miranda begins to get anxious because she's made her whole identity into qualifying for medical programs but hasn't explored interest elsewhere. She worries that she doesn't truly know what she wants and decided to look at a variety of classes and programs and even entertains taking a gap year to find herself.
  • Period: to

    Intimacy v.s. Isolation

    Miranda opts to take a gap year and travel with EF-Tours, where she will continue to gain education while traveling and exploring. Miranda has always been relatively shy and taking such a big trip with new people was very intimidating. For the first few days of the trip she sat alone and read, then she got inspired. With her new found inspiration she starts making connections with other young women traveling with EF-Tours as well. They get close quickly and are unified by the culture shock.
  • Generativity v.s. Stagnation

    Generativity v.s. Stagnation
    With a new found zeal for life and a well rounded understanding of who she is, Miranda begins at a medicine based university in the same city as one of the friends she made touring. Instead of becoming a surgeon, she chooses dietics as a career path. In her time traveling she had more energy and felt healthier than when she'd been eating food in The U.S. Miranda prioritizes the wellbeing of families where she's from.
  • Ego Integrity v.s. Despair

    Ego Integrity v.s. Despair
    Miranda has finished her residency as a Dietician and is now practicing medicine at a family clinic. She has never regretted the time she took to find herself an understand how she fit into the grand scheme of life (the best she could). Miranda has two small children and is married to an athletic trainer she met during a health seminar. She is satisfied with how her life is progressing, and she can't wait for what's next