Erikson Timeline

By alente
  • Infancy

    Mathilde is the newborn daughter of Marie and Henri LaFosse, both loving and responsive parents. Mathilde has basic trust that the world is a safe place and her parents will protect and provide for her.
    In Erikson's first stage, Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust, the crisis is developing basic trust that the world is safe and needs will be met by the caretakers. If not, the infant will not trust others and will see the world as more threatening or disappointing.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    Mathilde is learning how to make pastries with her parents in their pastry shop. She has fun learning the classic French pastry recipes and asks to learn new recipes as soon as she does one well.
    In Erikson's fourth stage, Middle Childhood: Industry vs. Inferiority, the crisis is being able to learn the knowledge and skills required in the culture. If a child learns well, they develop initiative to continue to do well, and if not, they develop a sense of inferiority.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    Mathilde is married to Jean-Charles Beaumatin and together they have a son, Roland. She takes fewer hours at work in the pastry shop to instead spend time raising her son as best as she can, deciding to focus on his wellbeing.
    In Erikson's seventh stage, Middle Adulthood: Generativity vs. Stagnation, the crisis is whether the person will focus on helping the next generation, leading to generativity, or focusing on their own needs, leading to stagnation.