Erikson Timeline

  • John Cooper

    John Cooper
    John (18 years old) just graduated high school and is confused whether he should take care of his family or pursue a career as a mechanic. In Erikson's 5th stage of Identity versus Role Confusion, the crisis is not knowing who you truly are yet (Identity) and not understanding where you fit in the world (Role Confusion).
  • George Harrison

    George Harrison
    George Harrison is 52 years old and has watched the news a lot lately and seen all of the negative things going on in the world and thinks of the things he could do to help but doesn't know who to talk to or who could help him because most of his friends live in different states. In Erikson's 7th stage of Generativity versus Stagnation, the crisis is between developing the thought of leaving your mark on the world (Generativity) and not knowing how or having enough drive to do it (Stagnation).
  • Elias Johnson

    Elias Johnson
    Elias Johnson (69 years old) attended a funeral for one of his childhood friends and began to think about when his time would come and what he would've done differently throughout his life. In Eriksons 8th stage of ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between knowing that ones life was not perfect but it was enjoyable (Ego Integrity) and wishing that one had done more throughout their life (Despair).