Love at First Sight
A man and woman meet at a party on New Year's Eve of 1989. As the clock hits midnight, they kiss. This first meeting ultimately leads to a relationship, and both later get married and have children. This event signifies Erikson's stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation. Both adults had at this point developed a clear sense of self. After meeting each other and realizing a mutual interest and love, they entered into a successful, intimate relationship rather than ending up alone and heartbroken. -
A Princess in Boots
The happy couple lives their life while raising a toddler. Throughout the summer, they have allowed their daughter to dress herself each day. On this day, she chooses a princess dress and mud boots. Her parents are happy that she has gained a sense of independence. In Erikson's stage of Autonomy vs. Shame, the toddler is navigating the crisis between her independence to dress herself and how society will accept her, and the embarrassment she would feel if her parents and others disapproved. -
Giving Back
Although the couple are stable and successful, they feel they need to be more active in the community as they don't currently do much other than work. They decide to involve their family in a volunteer Christmas toy donation fundraiser, and plan to make it a tradition. They hope to incorporate this type of activity into their daily life. In this stage of generativity vs stagnation, the couple is attempting to make a positive impact on the world rather than live a meaningless life.