Erikson Timeline

  • Alistair (age 14)

    Alistair has an interest in auto-mechanics, joining an internship to work in an auto repair shop without her parents knowing. Her family wants her to get a job in the medical field, so she often travels during her school breaks to visit hospitals. She is unsure which path to pursue that fits her identity. his stage of Erikson's timeline is Identity v.s. Confusion, where roles and passions are integrated to form a single identity, or risk identity confusion.
  • Alistair (Age 22)

    Alistair has been holding a good job at a car dealership and going to nursing school. She got closely acquainted with one of her classmates. They cohabitate in order to pay reduced rent. Her partner feels uncomfortable when Alistair comes home covered in dirt from work. Despite their differences, they are really close and they complete each other. This moment represents intimacy vs. Isolation. Emerging Adults struggle to find/keep relationships outside family or risk being isolated and alone.
  • Alistair (age 84)

    She is now living in a very nice retirement community. Her husband passed away and one of her sons had cancer, which resulted in an amputation. Before retirement, she started a small auto repair shop to help pay for both her husband and son when they had health problems. She took care of them even when the outcome wasn't exactly favorable. This represents Integrity vs despair, which is when older adults reminisce on their past actions, asking if they felt fulfilled with their lives or not.