Erikson Timeline

  • industry versus inferiority

    Ruth, age 8, is not only learning and excelling at her academic studies in school but she is also making new friends and engaging in different games with them. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, Ruth is enthusiastic about learning and growing therefore she doesn't fall behind.
  • generativity versus stagnation

    Ruth and her partner are in their late thirties when Ruth gets pregnant and they decide to start a family. In the seventh stage of Erikson's generativity versus stagnation, Ruth and her partner look to the future by creating more meaning to their life.
  • integrity versus despair

    At age 65, Ruth had an overwhelming sense of acceptance as she is diagnosed with cancer. She had now regrets where her journey has led her. She had raised a beautiful daughter and had a fulfilling life with her partner of 40 years. In Erikson's integrity versus despair, peace and fulfillment are achieved.