The Beginning of Carmen's Life; Trust Vs Mistrust
Carmen is born, and is dependent on her mother and father. In Erikson's first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, the main challenge is for an infant to develop a bond with their trusted caregiver, or caregivers. The caregivers can be anyone from the parents, grandparents, aunt/ uncle etc. In Carmen's case, she will develop a bond with her mom and dad. -
Carmen Plays With Her Neighbor, Alison; Initiative vs Guilt
Carmen is a year older than her neighbor, Alison. Carmen likes to make up games for both of them to play. In Erikson's third stage, Initiative vs Guilt, the main challenge is for the child to initiate activities, and feel secure about leading others. If they are encouraged to play and plan activities, the child feels confident about making decisions and leading games. -
Carmen's Wedding; Intimacy vs Isolation
Carmen's longtime boyfriend, David, proposes to her. She accepts, and feels comfortable with her decision because they are commited to each other, and in love. Six months later, they get married. In Erikson's Stage, Intimacy vs Isolation, the main "crisis" is to build a loving, safe, and commited, long-term relationship. Failure to do so could leave a young adult feeling isolated, while their peers are getting married. -
Carmen Becomes a "Supermom"; Generativity vs Stagnation
Carmen leaves behind her carefree lifestyle of spending all of her money on clothes and traveling. She is flourishing in her career as a magazine editor. Her husband is often away on business trips, so she also has to tend to her children most of the time. In Erikson's stage, Generativity vs Stagnation, the main "crisis" is for a person to contribute to their family's well-being without feeling like their life is stagnant. Carmen is happy to work so hard, because she knows it's all for her kids.