erikson timeline

  • Baby Vanessa

    Baby Vanessa
    Baby Vanessa (2 months) is hungry. She cries to show her caregiver that she needs to be fed because she cannot do it herself. She relies on her caregiver. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust, the caregiver should build trust with the baby through affection, care, and food which will help shape how a baby will view the world (trust) or if a caregiver fails to create a bond with their baby then they can become fearful and anxious (mistrust)
  • Vanessa's Thanksgiving Project

    Vanessa's Thanksgiving Project
    Vanessa (10 years old) is working on a Thanksgiving project but is having some trouble. She asks both her teacher and parents for help and creates a successful project. It gets lots of praise from her classmates. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry vs. inferiority, there is a crisis between a child wanting to do more complex tasks and then mastering them gaining encouragement and praise (industry), or a child not feeling competent thus creating a feeling of failure (inferiority)
  • Vanessa Volunteers at a Soup Kitchen

    Vanessa Volunteers at a Soup Kitchen
    In her free time, Vanessa likes to volunteer at her local soup kitchen where she gets to help others and make the world a better place. In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity vs. stagnation the crisis is between a person getting out into the world and "making their mark" on it creating a feeling of accomplishment (generativity) vs. having a feeling of failure of contributing to the world around them (stagnation)