Identity vs. Role Confusion ( ages 12-18 )
Marie Curie moved to Paris to study at the Sorbonne. The shift in her life allowed her to transition into a young woman in Poland to a student with more broad global identity. Her work in physics and chemistry here helped her establish a sense of personal and professional identity. In this stage of adolescence, individuals explore their personal identity, values, and career goals. The Erikson stage listed perfectly showcases that success and failure are essential in life. -
Generativity vs. Stagnation ( ages 40-65 )
Marie Curie received a Nobel Peace Prize in physics for her work on radiation. This was a key moment in her life, framing the stage of generativity, as she made a lasting impact on the scientific community. Her contributions to science extend beyond her own career, as she became a role model for future generations of scientists, especially women. Erikson's view of stagnation, successful resolution that results in generativity, is sense of productivity and the desire to guide the next generation. -
Integrity vs. Despair ( Late adulthood 65+ )
As Curie's health began to decline, she suffered from illnesses believed to be caused by prolonged exposure to radiation, which was not yet understood at the time. Despite her declining health, she continued to advocate for scientific progress which labeled her immense self-integrity, a strong, willing woman of science. In Erikson's viewpoint, one can either feel disdained that their life resulted in nothing, or feel fulfilled, but Curie proved she made a lasting impact and held that integrity.