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Erikson Timeline Assignment

  • Jeremiah, Age 4. Plays a pretend game of pirates at sea with neighborhood friends.

    Jeremiah, Age 4.  Plays a pretend game of pirates at sea with neighborhood friends.
    According to Erikson’s third stage of development, Initiative vs. Guilt, Jeremiah makes up a game about being pirates lost at sea. The neighborhood kids play along and listen to the rules that are set by Jeremiah. This helps him feel secure in initiating creativity and develops a sense of leadership.
  • Jeremiah. Age 16. Lands a lead role in the school play and finally being apart of a crowd that accepts him.

    Jeremiah. Age 16. Lands a lead role in the school play and finally being apart of a crowd that accepts him.
    According to Erikson’s fifth stage, Identity vs Role confusion, Jeremiah was searching to find the answer to his question of “Who am I?” Finding joy in landing the role and really fitting into the theatre crowd, Jeremiah now labels himself as a creative type and feel like he has found his identity.
  • Jeremiah, Age 47. Opens his own community theatre company, after working on broadway as a director, to share his knowledge.

    Jeremiah, Age 47.  Opens his own community theatre company, after working on broadway as a director, to share his knowledge.
    According to Erikson’s seventh stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation, Jeremiah wants to contribute back into his community. Jeremiah wants to open a community theater so he can possible help a struggling kid, like he once was, find their way in the world through arts.